To define Heat Transfer requires 2 important groups of words. It is a form of energy and in that context we are concerned with the transport of heat energy from one body to another. Motivation for this transfer is provided by the difference in temperature. The definition of heat transfer would therefore include transport of energy due to temperature difference.
When the dishes are kept back into the CO2 Incubator, Incubator often shows recovery of the temperature on the display.
However, it does not mean that the target temperature of Embryos and Gametes has reached. It is often reported that the actual stabilization on 370 C in the Embryo happens after 12-30 minutes in the Incubator.
The new Rapid Recovery system has been designed to enhance Embryo development and the culture conditions by recovering temperature practically faster than conventional methods. The new Rapid Recovery System is to be used with our Dish Holders. The Rapid Recovery System is designed to accommodate 4 well dishes, Nunc Dishes and Falcon Petridishes.
The Rapid Recovery system gives you direct thermal contact between the dry block type heating system and the individual culture dish wells, ensuring rapid temperature equilibration combined with low temperature variability.
Sudden and drastic temperature changes, long recovery times and changes in pH are minimized when using fornax warming Blocks. The unique aluminium alloy conducts heat and provides almost direct thermal contact with the warming surface. Dishes at room temp when kept for incubation without the Warming Block take a prolonged time to attain the set temperature compared to those dishes kept in preincubated Warming Block. It also ensures a safe and easy handling of dishes and test tubes in IVF laboratory.